Study Skills Tutoring Can Make A Difference for Your Child!
Study smarter, not harder! By actively developing good study skills and learning strategies, your child can keep their motivation high and achieve their goals more easily and more efficiently. Study skills tutoring can help your child get organized, reduce test anxiety, and increase their confidence, competence, and self-esteem!

Do these phrases sound familiar?
- “I forgot my book at school.”
- “It takes me forever to do my homework.”
- “I did my homework, but I can’t find it.”
- “I didn’t know we had a quiz/test today.”
School can be difficult for students of any level (even gifted students). Despite the aptitude of students, a lack of study skills and good habits can be a contributor to the struggle. That’s where study skills tutoring can make a difference. There are many skills important for effective study time, let’s explore some of them now.
Knowing where to find agendas, homework assignments, and setting up systems to keep everything in place helps students focus on the actual studying, and cuts down on the time spent looking for the materials they need. Imagine an activity you take on in your day-to-day. Are you more likely to get going on them when you know where every tool is, and what you need to get started? Probably.
The organization skills inherent to good study habits also translate well into other aspects of life at large. An organized student is a student ready to tackle the problems they need to solve.
A tough one for students. Developing effective note-taking skills will help your student further organize their time and learn how to distill the key information they need to succeed in class, on homework, and in testing environments. Teaching note-taking techniques provide your child multiple, effective ways to track information as it’s taught across a variety of subjects.
Think With Pen In Hand
An important part of note-taking, learning to draw out important concepts, graph problems, and illustrate themes helps students think in different ways and reinforce their learning. Pen in hand also promotes a learning process that’s repeatable and useful in subjects from language, to history, and math.
Chunk Tasks
By breaking down study sessions and projects into smaller bits, your students are more likely to retain information and benefit from a proven method to be more effective and efficient with their time. Chunking tasks works well from elementary school through graduate school and into professional careers.
Active Learning
Another method to help reinforce learning. Standing up, moving around, and reviewing notes out loud help drive concepts home and aid in the retention of study material. Being active also helps keep the brain healthy and the blood moving.
Less Stress
Great study skills mean less stress. Whether you’re a parent who needs to study with your child to keep them on track, or the student looking to perform well in class, good habits make all the difference. Not only will your child be more sure of themselves, but the peace of less fighting about studying can’t be overlooked. Less pressure on your students to find their materials, keep organized, and find note-taking techniques that work, means more time spent learning the material they need to succeed.
Study skills are transferable to all parts of life. Whether your child is getting started on their learning journey or working to complete their graduate studies, the habits they form now will be with them for the rest of their life. So why wait? Enroll them in study skills tutoring and watch them flourish in school and in life.
Learning Lab provides study skills tutoring that enable students to organize and study effectively, so they can actually spend less time on homework, optimize test preparation, and achieve better grades!
Need Study Skills Tutoring? Visit the Tutoring Center at the Learning Lab!
Learning Lab provides private study skills tutoring, as well as Back to School Study Skills Camp this summer! If you think your child may benefit from study skills tutoring, please contact one of Learning Lab’s two convenient locations in Brentwood or Nashville, or fill out the form below!
For Study Skills Tutoring in Brentwood:
5500 Maryland Way, Suite 110
Brentwood, TN 37027
For Study Skills Tutoring in Nashville:
2416 21st Avenue South, Suite 100
Nashville, TN 37212