Summer Learning Tips To Combat Learning Loss!
Check us out on Today In Nashville and WSMV Channel 4, where we discuss summer learning tips and activities that families can do with their children over summer to help combat learning loss!
Summer Learning Tips!
Just about any activity can include the opportunity for learning; the most important thing is to ensure you have a goal and make a plan. Below we have divided a list of activities by age/grade group.
Summer Learning Tips for Grades K-8:
- Sight word activities like sight word hopscotch (using sight words instead of numbers), writing in the sand/dirt, using playdough (or making playdough) to create letters.
- Join a “Flat Stanley” group.
- Plant a seed and chart the growth.
- Make ice cream in a bag and discuss the science behind it.
- Include a combination of solo and group learning activities. For instance, a student might complete a crossword puzzle on their own OR the whole family might form teams to participate in a math flash cards competition.
- Take it outdoors! What geometric shapes can you identify in your backyard or at the park or the beach?
- Master 4 or 5 simple science experiments and then stage a family or neighborhood Talent Show to demonstrate what you’ve learned–fun experiments like mentos and Coke, elephant toothpaste, or activities with dry ice (available at Publix).
- Make a Reading Points Chart – Redeem points for prizes or privileges.
- Family Math Games Night (even as simple as flash card challenges).
- Summer letter writing or creating an e-blast to send to friends and relatives.
- History field trips for the family (create some Treasure Hunt clues or another activity to ensure engagement at the sites) – The Hermitage, Traveler’s Rest, Nashville Train Museum.
- Check your local library for summer reading challenges/programs.
- Summer constellation tracking or celestial events (could include a visit to Nashville’s Adventure Science Center and/or camping).
- Sink or float. Using household materials (that can get wet) build a boat and see if it floats and discuss why some items float and other sink.
- Visit Warner Park Nature Center.
- Have Kahoot! challenges.
Summer Learning Tips for Grades 9-12:
- Take a virtual CampusTour of colleges and universities your high school student might be considering.
- Practice foreign language skills on Duolingo.
- ACT and SAT Prep courses.
- Arrange for job shadowing.
- 10-15 minutes a day of puzzles – sudoku, crossword puzzles, brain teasers, etc.
- Practice skills on
Stop Summer Learning Loss In Its Tracks!
If you need a little more help over the summer, summer tutoring and/or signing up for one of our summer camps would be beneficial! For more information about our summer camps and enrichment programs, contact one of our two locations, or fill out the form below!
5500 Maryland Way, Suite 110
Brentwood, TN 37027
2416 21st Avenue South, Suite 100
Nashville, TN 37212