ISEE Test Prep & Practice Tests
Learning Lab’s Test Prep Center offers ISEE prep, tutoring, and practice tests. ISEE prep and tutoring is offered in-person or virtually! The ISEE (Independence School Entrance Exam) is an admissions test used by many area private schools. Taking a practice test will give your child exposure to the test format and provide you with valuable information about whether your child is ready for the real thing. Students who take the practice test at our Test Prep Center also receive a free consultation on their results. We provide flexible scheduling for ISEE prep and tutoring.

Register For A Practice ISEE!
All of our Practice ISEEs are offered at both our Brentwood and Nashville locations. We offer individual Practice ISEEs for $35 per hour, or group Practice ISEEs for $25 per hour. The Practice ISEE includes the test, scoring and analysis, and a consultation with our Test Prep Coordinator to go over the results. REGISTER BELOW!