Is Your Student Not Getting Their Homework Done At Home? MindSpace Is The Place!
School is back in session! At MindSpace, your student can make this semester a learning success with personal time and their own study space to get their homework done!

Tired Of The Homework Struggle?
Are you tired of fighting with your student about their homework? Are their grades slipping due to turning in rushed (or even unfinished) homework assignments? Are there too many distractions at home that lead to procrastination? You may be asking yourself, “is homework beneficial?” Duke University recently conducted research on homework, and found that “studies do show even small amounts of homework help kids do better on unit tests, but homework also helps to begin shaping a child’s time management skills and their organization, as well as improve self-discipline and achievement.”
Homework is a fact of life for many students, but it may be hard to get your student to work on their assignments at home. So, are you looking for a place where your student can have quiet time and personal space to get their homework done? Would it be helpful to be able to drop your student off in a supervised space where someone would be able to keep them on track with finishing their homework while you go and run some errands?
MindSpace is the ideal place where students can get homework finished – safely and undisturbed – in an adult monitored and professional learning environment!

MindSpace: Your Study Place!
MindSpace eliminates distractions, and provides adult supervision, to help your 6th-12th grader stay focused on their work in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. Student attendees will be required to sign “in” and “out,” and they must also check their cell phones at the front desk to prevent study distractions for themselves and others. Our professional adult monitors will ensure emails, texts, and social media are turned off on student computers during each session. We also have laptops available for students to borrow while in MindSpace, if needed! We’ll send all parents/guardians a weekly attendance report for their student, noting all dates and times spent with us.

The Details!
MindSpace sessions will be held at our Brentwood and Nashville locations (see schedule below). Students are welcome to attend any/all sessions, for as much time as needed, may drop in anytime, and no advance notice is required (other than on Sundays).
- Weekly MindSpace Membership: $48
- Monthly MindSpace Membership: $180*
- Half-Semester (10 Weeks) MindSpace Membership: $430* (may pay in 3 installments)
*NOTE: Monthly or Half-Semester MindSpace students may also attend the three-hour Sunday sessions at no additional charge!